The Gathering Storm.

Central & Gus was created with a vision to ostend, through product and place, the value of every being so that each may move forward with realization of worth and a responsibility to it.

As the company grows, I am realizing this is threefold: first, by creating products that illustrate and underline that every one matters; second, through donations to animals in need, and by working hands-on with the horses at our local horse rescue; and the third is our in the works, big-hairy-audacious goal: an animal sanctuary.

The above-mentioned local horse rescue survives by way of a near-free lease from the county, on county land. Conditions of the lease mandate that no permanent structures are built. No plumbing, no paved driveway, no barns. So, the horses reside in open-air stalls, almost like a picnic pavilion with its metal ‘roof’, rails defining each stall. Heavy duty rubber mats make the floor, which sit atop a sand base. A generator powers fans during the hottest days; especially necessary for the horses unable to sweat. A pump draws up water to clean; bathe horses; and fill drinking buckets. All perfectly fine most days, and workable on its worst: here in South Florida we have hurricanes. For this rescue, during these hurricanes, the safest option is to turn the horses out to pasture. And we do so.

Watching horses in a hurricane leaves me in wonder and awe at their grace, and for the reverence they have for each other and for the storm. As if a living barometer, the herd feels the dip in air pressure and the coming weather. And they do what horses have done for centuries: recognize community and care for the whole. The winds mighty, the horses encircle the old, the young, the less able. Noses in, muscular hindquarters take the brunt. The strongest horses occupy the outermost circle, jockeying position as they tire. Like a graceful dance, they work with the weather, moving in time with the gusts. Afterward, they stand, peppered across the pasture, giving no clue that there was any inclement weather at all, let alone a hurricane.

Of course, the truth is given away by the knee-deep water, surrounding downed branches, and debris. As I bring them into their stalls, I remain inspired by their altruism.The words ‘The Gathering Storm’ sit in my mind. One would think 'The Gathering Storm' would be synonymous with ‘impending doom’. But I realized that, to me, the idea of The Gathering Storm was synonymous with community, outreach, connections, support, and the horses. Because it is in the gathering storm that the sense of community is most felt. People offer whatever they can, in time; effort; thoughts; stuff; in support of the whole, the community.

Our goal grows out of this thought. We want to foster community and want to do so by way of our animal welfare support. Our goal is to purchase acreage here in South Florida to host a rescue, to provide a permanent, safe home for the animals, and to create community-focused programs centred on developing skills that heal, that nurture, and that build confidence, communication, and leadership. In believing in success, we have already chosen a name for this property; this farm: The Found Fold.

From the American Heritage Dictionary, “Find” - verb “Found”:

  • To come upon, often by accident; meet with.

  • To come upon or discover by searching or making an effort.

  • To bring (oneself) to an awareness of what one truly wishes to be and do in life.

  • To perceive (oneself) to be in a specific place or condition.

From the American Heritage Dictionary, "fold" (noun):

  • A fenced enclosure for domestic animals, especially sheep.

  • Any group of people bound together by common beliefs and aims, or by mutual loyalty.

We believe in family. We believe in friendship. We believe in kindred spirits. We believe in coming together for a bigger goal. Sometimes these are found in a place or with a group unplanned and unexpected. May The Found Fold farm offer fertile soil for momentous growth for all.  So, here's a glance above and a big thank you to you...stay tuned….